Saturday 5 July 2014


 agnes at the dodgy industrial bit near my house last month

-i used to blog at teenmoonwitch. i'm not deleting it but just won't be using it anymore (not that i did much anyways).
i want to have a blog without it being effort, which i've realised is nearly impossible. also i get tired of documenting things in the same format very quickly?? so lets see how this goes.

-also (by the time i take away the privacy settings) i should have a (probably quite shitty website? it's it would be very lovely if u checked it out.


identity has been such a weird thing for me lately and i cant tell if i'm becoming more confident with myself or more unsure.  my friend areena who is really amazing wrote a post about this (kind of¿) recently and this watercolour she made is great.

"Here, you have three different personalities who are essentially the same person (notice how the colour coordination is the same with each 'girl') but look different, with a different painting style too. I did this to show the differences in how one of them may act or be like."

1 comment:

  1. Hello?? Me gusta mucho tu blog! Bueno, si te digo la verdad, me tienes un poco confundida y nose cual es el blog que realmente actualizas, o cual es tu proyecto más intenso. Me gusta este blog:
    Pero no se pueden dejar comentarios ahí. Bueno, pues espero que me contestes y me digas cual de tus blogs debo seguir :)

    He llegado aquí porque hace mucho tiempo me dejaste un comentario en mi blog. Espero que sigas activa en esto y que me vistes de nuevo alguna vez.

